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Front of the library building in spring
Learn a new language with Mango Languages and Little Pim for kids!
Join us for a series of ASL classes every Thursday in March from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Order from Marco's Pizza March 6th and 15% of sales will go back to the library!
Create your own leprechaun trap & lucky beaded bracelet!

Standards of Library Behavior

Rossford Public Library Standards of Library Behavior

The Rossford Public Library is committed to providing a clean, secure and supportive environment for the legitimate use of its resources and services. To achieve this objective, the library has established the following standards of behavior:


The following activities are prohibited:

Staff Directory


Kristine Goldsmith - Director

Cindi Selz - Fiscal Officer

Tami Roe - Accounting Clerk

Jacky Farkas  - Head Librarian / Children's Librarian

Lauren Kuhr - YA Librarian / Children's Librarian

Sophia Forshey - Reference Assistant

Annette Gadt - Reference Assistant

Margaret Burgan -Circulation Supervisor

Caroline Riley - Circulation Supervisor

Judy Pucci - Circulation Clerk

Kris Cuprys - Circulation Clerk

Leigh Yenrick - Circulation Clerk

Kathy Herman - Circulation Clerk